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Career  Development  Program

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Career  Development  Initiative

We are excited to invite you to take part in our new Career Development Program.

What Ability is investing in you to give you more skills, a Nationally Recognised Qualification and give you more opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Register Now!

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Less than 3 hours a month

Nationally Recognised Training

Group and Online Training

Access to Student Discounts

What will you gain out of this?

Customised training empowering you with more skills and tools applicable to your role.

Nationally Recognised

You will gain a nationally recognised qualification as if completed at TAFE.

Working Hours

All the training will be completed during working hours.

No Exams or Essays!

Just practical work-based projects with short answer questions.

Fully Paid For

What Ability is paying for this so no costs to you and no HECS debt.


Certificate IV in Leadership and Management

The nationally recognised Certificate IV in Leadership and Management develops your skills so you can provide sound leadership and manage a team in different industries. Refine your leadership style and take your career to the next level with transferable leadership skills.

Cert IV in Leadership and Management

The training course will build on your existing knowledge and formalise your experience. 

As a future leader, we want to invest in you with a formal qualification that builds on your existing experience and enhance your leadership skills.

The BSB40520 - Certificate IV in Leadership and Management is a qualification that can help level up your leadership skills, preparing you to deliver the support and guidance to your team when it comes to their work output.

Being a leader is simply more than supervising others - it can also be an opportunity for you to cultivate inspiration and mentorship.

What will you learn?

The training course will build on your existing knowledge and formalise your experience.

  • Communicate effectively as a workplace leader
  • Lead effective relationships
  • Lead team effectiveness
  • Implement operational plans
  • Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs to meet legislative requirements
  • Show leadership
  • Mentor in the workplace
  • Promote innovation
  • Articulate, present and debate ideas

Who is this for?

This course is ideal for people who have the following knowledge, skills or abilities:

Critical Thinking

Evaluating the benefits and costs of different solutions for a problem.

Problem Sensitivity

Notice when something is wrong or is likely to go wrong, even if you cannot solve the problem.

Admin and Management

Planning and coordination of people and resources.


Keeping track of how well people and/or groups are doing in order to make improvements.

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I was recommended to take part in a leadership and management course by my people and culture team. Initially I was so scared to enter into study again after over 15years working in my trade and not doing any formal education. I was welcomed and encouraged from the moment I enrolled.  The most important thing to me was to learn while having fun, the educators had so much experience it showed, they handled many different personalities with encouragement and patience! I highly recommend the Certificate IV Leadership and Management to anyone looking for new skills or a refresher.  I want everyone to have the same learning experience as I have, I loved it!!!

Samantha Dickson

Cert IV in Leadership and Management

Higher Education Pathways?

If you decide to expand your skill set you could also consider a Diploma of Leadership and Management or a Diploma of Business and a Bachelor of Business.

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